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Prenatal Yoga Series

Prenatal yoga is a wonderful way to tend to the physical body during pregnancy and build strength to prepare for labor and delivery. This series will also be a supportive group container—offering emotional and spiritual foundations for building greater awareness around the new or evolving role as mother, releasing stress and worries of the future, and a way to build a deeper connection with baby.

Coming to this class will alleviate anxieties around, "Can I do this" or "Should I be modifying this for my pregnancy" that expecting mothers may face in a regular class. Each class offers a well-rounded practice with the first half focused on more active strength for the body, engaging key muscles for support during pregnancy and childbirth. The second half of class will offer more mellow, restorative shapes and calming tools for the mind including myofascial release, or self massage.

Prenatal yoga is often suggested by OB/GYNs. Please check with your doctor before beginning this series.

cost $88